Visual Studio Code Workflow, or sensible alternatives

I am interested in using Visual Studio Code along with LaTeX-Workshop to build my Tectonic projects.

How would one go about configuring Visual Studio Code to build a tectonic project? The command line

tectonic -X build
``` works just fine in a shell, but i would like the compiler running when the files have changed (or i ask it too with a keyboard shortcut) and the output visible in a Visual Studio Code tab.

I am not married to Visual Studio code, my motivation is I might want to use it down the road for compiling Rust for some hobby projects and some code completion for tex environments.  If there is another IDE that will provide a better experience for tectonic & latex I'll switch now.

Hi, I’m the maintainer of the TeXiFy-IDEA Plugin for IntelliJ. IntelliJ is an IDE for many languages, and by installing the TeXiFy plugin you can use Tectonic easily. Also if something is unclear or not working I can probably fix it :slight_smile:

Also the rust plugin for IntelliJ is in my opinion pretty good.

One thing to note is that the v2 client has the tectonic -X watch command which implements the rebuild on change behavior.

I’m not sure visual studio plugin will automatically notice the output changed and redisplay it though.


tectonic -X watch seems to work ok, and the pdf viewer in studio seems to notice the changes.