The default bundle has been upgraded to "tlextras-2018.1r0"

As per plans I shared a little while ago, I’ve just upgraded the default Tectonic bundle to a new version based on TeXLive 2018.1. Besides bugfixes and improvements from the past couple of years’ worth of development, I’ve added the “arts and humanities” TeXLive collection which should add a pretty big contingent of packages to the release. While the tlextras-2016.0r4 bundle was 1.7 GiB, the new one is 2.2 GiB.

You may have a one-time failure in compiling your next document when Tectonic realizes that the default bundle has changed:

Running TeX ...
note: indexing
note: resolved to
note: downloading SHA256SUM
warning: open of input lineno.sty failed
caused by: backend digest changed; rerun to use updated information
error: something bad happened inside TeX; its output follows:

Testing has been sparse, so please keep an eye out for any problems and report them here! (Or GitHub, but I like to try and discuss things here first so that they’re more discoverable, and some issues may not be “bugs” per se.)

Happy TeXing,



first of all, thanks for the update as it brings great improvements, but I am having a similiar issue as you described as example.

I am building my document with Travis CI using docker.

   $ docker run --mount src=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR,target=/usr/src/tex,type=bind rekka/tectonic tectonic main/main.tex
    note: this is a BETA release; ask questions and report bugs at
    Running TeX ...
    note: indexing
    note: resolved to
    note: downloading SHA256SUM
    warning: open of input scrartcl.cls failed
    caused by: backend digest changed; rerun to use updated information
    error: something bad happened inside TeX; its output follows:

Re-running does not help since the container is recreated on every build. Any idea on how to attack this issue?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Jannis,

This error happens when the engine starts using its cache in a compilation, but then realizes that the bundle it’s using has changed from what was cached, so it can’t finish the compilation using a consistent set of files.

So I think @rekka needs to rebuild the rekka/tectonic Docker image — as I recall, it comes with a preloaded cache of files, so even fresh Docker containers will maintain some memory of the older bundle. I’m pretty sure that you should literally just be able to rerun the docker build command with exactly the same inputs, and it will start working.

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I should also add: if you’re unable to rebuild the Docker image (etc.) immediately, you should be able to maintain the status quo by forcing the program to keep on using the old bundle:

tectonic -w ms.tex
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Thanks for your quick reply.
I didn’t get to test it the last two days, but I just did.
I rebuild the image and pushed it to cludch/tectonic and it works for now.

Thanks a lot!