I have installed TexLive, and I think it is no longer supported. How do I install tectonic? Do I have to uninstall TexLive, or just install Tectonic.?
But there is I have a bigger problem. I may have to reinstall my X11 system. I got a new message
to the effect tha t some of my files and directiory could not be installed, These files include
X11, System/Fonts.
It looks like I have may have to start all over install xCode, X11, tecTronic?
Yes I am using X11 on the Mac. There is a Macport of X11. I use vi as an editor and then LaTex my latex source. Recently I’ve not been able to xdvi the .dvi file. I can pdflatex the latex file with no error, I’m hopiing I’ll have beter like with Tectonic.
That’s weird, TeXlive is fully supported on Windows, Mac and Linux of course. If you’re using a Mac then it could be easier to install MacTeX https://tug.org/mactex/ it is TeXlive fully adapted to MacOS and IMO it’s easier to install instead of TeXlive vanilla for Mac.
About Tectonic, as far as I know, you need underneath it a TeX distro (such MacTex), to make the compilation run properly, but although it saves you the appearance of auxiliary files in your directory, it is extremely slow compared to compiling directly from pdflatex or lualatex.
Anyway, I guess some goodness will have to be worth the development effort, but so far I haven’t noticed it.