Error: terminal input forbidden

I am new to Tectonic. I just brew installed it and tried to compile my thesis.

(base) ~/thesis [master] ❯ tectonic main.tex           ✖ ✹ [22:54:50]
note: this is a BETA release; ask questions and report bugs at
Running TeX ...
error: terminal input forbidden

I can’t even understand what the error message means. Could someone please help me get started?
With pdflatex it compiles, but it stops in the middle and I have to press enter to finish the compilation.

With pdflatex it compiles, but it stops in the middle

Probably means you have a compile error, if it asks for user input. Fix it!

You can use --keep-logs (to save the log file) or --print (to display the log) in order to check exactly what is your tex error (if any). I suspect that some file is missing.